Why Join TNS?
CME Conferences TNS hosts two outstanding CME conferences annually. World-renowned speakers are invited to present on neurology topics that are trending at that given time with each conference benefiting the general neurologist and their staff. As a member you receive a discounted attendee rate and the opportunity to gain MOC credits all while not traveling out-of-state. You can even earn an ethics lecture credit or two. To learn more, see our upcoming conferences on the TNS events page.
Advocacy Through your membership, you are making an investment in the profession of neurology and in the future of our patients. TNS has an active legislative committee and lobbyist that work tirelessly for the good of neurology. TNS is the largest and most active state neurological society in the country with strong ties to the AAN and TMA. Because of these relationships, TNS is making a difference in neurology, its patients, and the house of medicine. For more information about our legislative efforts, click here.
Website Please feel free to personalize your member profile found on the TNS website and take a moment to explore the members’ only portion as well. As a member, you will also be listed in the TNS online directory. The website is www.texasneurologist.org.
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